While the world is out there mastering the art of couples communication to forge deeper connections, we’re proudly taking a detour. Designed for the elite 1% who have accidentally overdosed on intimacy, welcome to our exclusive club! Because let’s face it, sometimes a little too much closeness can be, well, too much.

This set of 50 surefire Intimacy Killers are guaranteed to close the door when needed😅!


Unlock an Exclusive Offer!

We’re launching soon. Sign up now to unlock a special offer for our “Intimacy Killers Cards”. 


Ready to deepen your relationship
with open, honest, and vulnerable communication?

Practice "I" Statements

An “I” statement allows you to communicate your feelings and needs without blaming others or being threatening. An “I” statement says “this is what is going on for me.”

Establish Boundaries

Establishing boundaries creates a clear set of guidelines, rules, or limits to be respected by our partner so that we feel safe. Boundaries communicate what is okay and what is not.

Find Compromise

Compromise in a relationship is about both people getting their needs met. Communicate to find the middle ground and feel happy with the outcome.

Own Your Feelings

Acknowledge and identify your truth. Take responsibility for your feelings. Learn more about how you experience your feelings and how you communicate them.

Find the Right Time

Timing is important in relationships. “Right now is not a good time” can be a key phrase. Set aside time without interruption from other people or distractions.

Know Your Values

Conversations about what you each value are a healthy way to deepen your connection and understanding. Get to know each others’ priorities and core beliefs.

Get Out of The Mood

Unlock an exclusive offer! – We’re launching soon. Sign up now to unlock a special offer for Intimacy Killers!



Have Too Much Intimacy In Your Life?

LMAO! We laughed together reading through all the cards. It rings close to home.

E. W.

Richmond, Virginia

The perfect gift for my friend at her bachelorette party. A preview of radically honest marital communication at its best…and funniest!

M. W.

Bozeman, Montana

A fun, comedic review of actual couples communication tips!  It makes us rethink how we initiate or stop our physically intimate moments.

M. T.

Seattle, Washington

⚠️ Caution: Exercise discretion when using Intimacy Killer cards to prevent
prolonged periods of solitude, excessive laughter, and oversharing hangovers.

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